Tig S.L. Mountain

Here is the frame that really got me started as a full time frame builder. When I built my first frames I didn’t think I would ever be a full time builder. After a few years of building this type of steel MTB frame, I found that the demand for the S.L. Mountain was so great that I needed to quit my day job and spend all my time in the shop. The current edition of this frame is quite different than what I built back in the ’80’s – this is a good thing. Bigger wheels, slacker angles, better brakes and larger diameter steel tubes have really taken this frame into the current century……..1 can’t believe I’m dating myself with that statement! 31 years of building this type of frame has taught me a lot and continues to teach me every year. You can order the Tig S.L. Mountian foe 26,27.5 or 29″ wheels. I do also offer rigid steel forks for the hardcore luddites out there.
